event details

UDIA National TV with 
Hugh Hartigan from NHFIC

Date:    Wednesday 2 August 2023
Time:    1pm to 2pm AEST
Venue:  Online 
Price:    Complimentary


Join us for our next edition of UDIA National TV with Hugh Hartigan from NHFIC

Hear from the organisation trusted with building Australia’s national housing future, The National Housing Finance and Investment Corporation (NHFIC). 

In view of the Housing Affordability Future Fund negotiations and the ambitions of Australia’s National Housing Accord, NHFIC will be the linchpin to make it happen. The housing agenda across the spectrum is dominated by the need for supply and our industry is a crucial player.

Hugh Hartigan, Head of Research at NHFIC will discuss the organisation’s plans and successes in accelerating Australia’s affordable and social housing agenda. Hugh will give you a snapshot of NHFIC’s plans to help rewrite the story on housing supply over the next decade.
